Prolong Your Dreams...they are fleeting. The longer you drift within them, the more you can take advantage of their possibilities. Escape Your Nightmares...or they will consume you! Are you able to awaken from them and gain new clarity from the experience?
These cards give new significance to the rest and empowered draw mechanisms in Vindication. When a player reveals a Dream or Nightmare card for any reason, that player must attach the card to their Character and announce that they have an active Dream or Nightmare (you may place a miniature on the card for clarity). There is a maximum of 1 Dream or Nightmare per player at a time - if you draw others, you may choose which to keep and shuffle the others back into the deck.
Each Dream/Nightmare has a special ability that only occurs when the player takes a Rest action, and has a specific criterion for an Awaken effect (removing the Dream/Nightmare from the game and gaining the listed bonuses).
Vindication: Dreams & Nightmares is 30 new cards that influence the rest mechanism, adding additional benefits (dreams) or consequences (nightmares) for your resting companion.